La cuina den garriga

mama’s cafe barcelona

The decoration seemed to me of exquisite taste, I felt transported to a typical French bistro, in which besides tasting delicious dishes, you can buy a series of gastronomic products of excellent quality: fruits and vegetables, pasta, cheese, wine, etc.. The truth is that the first impression on entering is that of entering a grocery store, since the tables and the kitchen are at the back of the premises.
The few tables in this restaurant give it an intimate atmosphere that made me feel at home. The staff was very attentive and explained with unlimited patience all the doubts that the menu raised. As an anecdote, the degree of familiarity we reached was such that we ended the meal as friends of the nice couple with whom we had to share a table. So that later they say that food does not unite.
At the back of the restaurant there is a cupboard with a large amount of kitchen utensils such as pots, pans, plates, cups, etc., which are also on display for sale. I have to confess that I had a hard time resisting, but not being able to check in with excess baggage was a determining factor in my decision not to take anything with me. On another visit to the city I will have the opportunity to do so.

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Transformamos productos llenos de historia y significado en felicidad y amor. Nos importa. Nos hemos criado así. Helena creció con aceite de oliva virgen de primera prensada y Olivier con mantequilla fresca de los pastos alpinos.
Nuestro lema y logotipo, el sifón, es un auténtico símbolo catalán que se remonta a 150 años atrás, cuando el vermut era esencial, los tomates sabían a tomate y el vino se bebía en jarra.    El bisabuelo de Helena Garriga, Agustí Garriga Mundet, trajo el sifón de agua digestiva carbonatada de la Exposición Universal de París de 1867 a su farmacia de Girona.    Desde entonces, 4 generaciones de la familia Garriga se han vinculado con éxito a los sifones.
Esta herencia y la diabetes tipo 1 y la celiaquía de nuestra hija Charlotte, nos inspiran hoy en día para encontrar productos auténticos, de temporada, hechos con las manos y con el corazón por pequeños artesanos locales y compartirlos aquí cocinando recetas saludables y deliciosas para una vida más feliz con la diabetes y la celiaquía.

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Este es un lugar de dos por uno en forma de tienda de delicatessen que es un verdadero paraíso de productos locales y extranjeros, combinado con un restaurante de gran prestigio (el fotógrafoMarioTestin fue un reciente comensal). Si va a comprar para un gourmet exigente, este es el lugar que debe visitar. Puede comprar cestas de regalo con aceite de oliva, conservas y frutos secos; galletas, embutidos y quesos locales; y utensilios especializados. Además, es la oportunidad de descansar del duro trabajo con un merecido refrigerio.

cu cut barcelona

The space consists of a first grocery area where you can buy cheeses, cold meats, fruit and preserves. Next, you will find the restaurant, with two different sub-areas: (i) the wine cellar, which we recommend for more intimate occasions and (ii) a more open restaurant area. Ah! They also have a terrace with 4-5 tables.
“Traditional recipes with surprising touches made with natural, authentic, seasonal products, made with the hands and the heart. There is nothing better than a good tomato and a good farmer who respects his land”.
If this is your first time at La Cuina, we recommend that you share dishes so that you can try more. Although we are convinced that it will cost you a second visit as the menu is too tempting and the quality is #top.

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