Agustin el casta videos

El casta, agustín el casta – mallorquines around the world 01

The comedian defends the role that comedians have had in times of crisis to feed the spirit of the people, calls for more care for culture and complains that the political class “has got us in a mess”.
“If someone who comes to Mallorca can’t pay the eco-tax they should go somewhere else. If you can’t pay 1 or 2 euros per night, turn off and let’s go”. This is the opinion of Agustín, El Casta, about the future eco-tax that the Balearic Government wants to apply.
The humorist affirms the need for humor in times of crisis indicating that “in this tsunami that we have lived, in this collective depression we have been the comedians who have fed the spirit of the people”. He does not overlook the tax issue and more specifically the famous 21% cultural VAT, which he recalls that it has been the artists who have assumed it instead of passing it on to the spectators.
“El Casta” is clear that corruption is the first reason why politicians have lost the confidence of citizens and recalls that “the Greeks said that politics was the art of making people happy and not to complicate their lives”.

  Eoi hospitalet de llobregat

El casta – metrosexuals

In addition, there is a person who should be part of the heritage of our humanity. A person who belongs (a little bit) to each and every Mallorcan, a person who has made us laugh to tears, a person who, through humor and intelligence, has been able to capture the essence of the Mallorcan, his peculiarities and his greatness. That person is El Casta.
From Fincas Fiol we could not have a better ally to carry out our most ambitious audiovisual project. To our previous trilogy: The Call, The Grandfather and The Robbery, we add one more video: The Purchase.

Agustín “el casta” (las bodas)

India Martínez is an artist with a special charm. Her way of interpreting dazzles in short distances and catches the attention of large audiences, and has made her an artist brimming with femininity, talent and mystery. It doesn’t matter if she is facing an album in which she compiles a selection of cover versions as in Otras verdades (2012), or if she gives herself to her facet as a composer as in Camino de la buena suerte (2013), or if she joins her voice to that of 15 great artists as in her new work, Dual. India is always that captivating voice and that essentially flamenco and pop cocktail that have catapulted her as an essential artist.
“LO MEJOR DE 5” is the ideal title for this show because for approximately 90 minutes, Jaime Gili will tell and sing the stories and songs that have been most successful in these nearly 1,800 days that he has been a professional comedian. Monologue, imitations, his own songs and versions of other world-famous songs. Who can give more?
Hello! I’m Javi, really, I’m writing this “de mi pa’ti”. What you are reading is the synopsis of my new show, normally this is written to explain a little of what the show is about, but I also take this opportunity to greet you and welcome you.

  Posturas en el embarazo

Agustin “el casta” (civilian meritorious guard)

Born to parents from Granada, he arrived in Mallorca when he was five months old and grew up in the city of Palma. He studied History at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) with the intention of becoming a teacher. But finally he applied to work in the Treasury and won a position.
During the summer of 1992 he got on stage for the first time in an improvised way during a party that was held at the Safari Hotel in Ciudad Jardín (Playa de Palma) imitating the famous Antonio Molina singing Yo soy minero and since then he left his position as a civil servant in the Treasury to enter the world of show business.