Enrique martinez lozano meditacion

Enrique martínez lozano.the joy of being. happiness from

Undoubtedly. I understand that there are people to whom this term rejects, for various reasons, and who prefer to use another one. But just as there can be no human growth without the cultivation of emotional intelligence, neither is it possible without the care of “spiritual intelligence”.
Whether we are aware of it or not, God is already living in all of us, in all that is. A “separate” God is only a mental projection. We simply “let him live” to the extent that we become aware of it. Then and there we begin to perceive and live non-duality.
Non-duality is a “way of knowing” and, therefore, a way of approaching the Real and a way of living, which seems to me to be more adjusted than the “mental way”. More adjusted because the Real cannot be but one-in-the-difference.
It seems to me that the passage from the “mental model” to the “non-dual model” -which is already beginning to take place in philosophy, psychology, sociology, hermeneutics…- constitutes one of the most revolutionary changes of our historical moment, for all the consequences it brings.

Iv southern spirituality forum

Sleep is a very necessary behavior and we all know that when we do not do it well in the long term our well-being suffers… It has a lot to do with our physiological recharge, with the memory processes to be completed correctly, as well as that our daytime emotional processes can be digested. But it is also necessary to de-dramatize.    There is an insomnia due to fear of insomnia that calls for the dismantling of certain beliefs as a starting point:
Enrique Martínez Lozano has been the master of ceremonies to delve into anxiety. A disorder that together with stress and narcissism are so common in our time and culture. What has favored this anxiety epidemic in the West?
We experience anxiety as fear but it is a hunger for affection because it is born of insecurity and affective emptiness. It manifests itself in the form of addictions that give us the feeling that they can fill that void.
This hunger has a lot to do with the type of attachment we had in our early childhood and is resolved with the understanding that the affection we need is not the one we should have received, but the one we have to give ourselves now to fill that void.

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29) session of 04-21-2021

Enrique Mártinez Lozano was born in Guadalaviar, Teruel, in 1950, animator of meetings and retreats, lecturer and author of several books (see his website at the end of the text), knows how to articulate psychology and spirituality in a simple yet profound and effective way, enhancing the growth of the human being. He uses Meditation as a deep experience to live the Unity and overcome all separateness and duality.
Sometimes it has been difficult for me to “see”, also because indecision is another trait of my character. But when I have seen clearly, I have realized, even very surprised, that no one and nothing could stop me (even though I lived a lot of insecurity before the opinion of others). And, on the other hand, confidence, an underlying feeling that, even in the midst of the greatest bewilderment, kept assuring me: “Trust. All is well. It did not come from the mind – which saw many things wrong and was suffering – but it tasted like the real thing.
That is how my life and spiritual experience has run, not as two separate things, but at all times unified. I have always been gifted with a special “nose” to detect the falsity of all dualism.

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Meditative practice by enrique martínez lozano (saturday)

Enrique Martínez Lozano (Guadalaviar, Teruel, 1950) is a psychotherapist, sociologist and theologian. Animator of meetings and retreats, lecturer and author of several books, he is committed to the task of articulating psychology and spirituality, opening new perspectives that favor the integral growth of the person. His work assumes and develops the transpersonal theory and the non-dual model of cognition.
He has the gift of articulating psychology and spirituality in a simple, yet profound and effective way, enhancing personal growth and the experience of the most genuine spirituality, from the attention to our peculiar moment of cultural transformation.
The concept of psychology and spirituality, integration and personal unification, who we are, ways to overcome difficulties in human relationships or the phenomenon of the shadow, as a key to understanding, are some of the topics that the psychotherapist and theologian Enrique Martínez Lozano develops in his books, essential reading for all those people who long to live who they are.

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